Overview: The purpose of the
door hinge spring is to keep the door in statationary position after it's
opened. If the spring isn't there the door swings freely. Installing
a new spring can be difficult because the replacement springs are too big
and they'll need to be compressed while installing them in the door.
I believe the door hinges were redesigned in late 1967 so this fix is not
applicable after that.
Replacement Procedure: 1) Slip a wire through the end coils of the spring and compress the spring in a vice. Twist the ends of the wire together with a pair of pliers as the spring is compressed. You may want to use a wire on each side of the spring so it compresses evenly. 2) Remove tension on the spring. The wire(s) should hold the spring in a compressed state. If the spring opens too much put it back in the vice and twist the wire(s) some more and try again. 3) Positon the spring in the door. There are small lips where the spring should be placed. 4) Cut and pull the wire(s) out. |
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